Sunday, December 2, 2007

Success to Success-What is the Meaning of the Success in Life?

Success to Success Training- What is the Meaning of Success in Life? by Doug Firebaugh Success. What a wonderful word, and concept. People have been striving for it all their life, and many achieving Success, and others are not so fortunate. It seems to elude them, and their life. Many have been pursuing Success for years, and others start towards it and seem to find it almost immediately. It is a concept that wars have been fought over. Success to one man was the capture and domination of another. And it has been that way for eons. The meaning of Success comes in many forms, and many definitions. It depends on what you are searching for in life, and searching for in business. Athletes may have one definition of Success, and a stay at home mom may have another. A mus View the rest of this article

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