Friday, August 31, 2007

Clawfoot Bath Tub – Is this the ultimate product for a bathroom

The Clawfoot Bath Tub was invented during the Victorian Era (1835-1903) and were made using a white porcelain coating and their shape came from the cast iron base that was used. In order to obtain a hard slippery surface to the bath molten porcelain was poured into it.

There are 2 basic kinds of Clawfoot Bath Tub around and these are the European and American styles. The European style tends to have no drilling for faucets as they are an external feature to the bath and will be either wall or floor mounted. Thus the level of water that can be placed in the bath is deeper, but it does have holes for the water to drain away and also for any overflow that may occur.

The other style called American, not only has holes where the taps (faucets) can be View the rest of this article

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