Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Your Future is Brighter with Organization

How does one become organized? Does it seem like it’s only for certain types of people? Does it seem like it just comes naturally for others? Not necessarily. As luck would have it, it is a skill that can be taught. Teach yourself. It does require discipline, will power, and a reward system. Reward? Of course! Every step you take towards a brighter, more organized future has its rewards.

You can take a class, read a book, join a group for encouragement and to trade tips on organizing, team up with a friend, or trade skills with a friend who is better at organizing. There are many ways to learn how to become organized, but it is definitely something you can learn and be proud of yourself for doing!

For organizing to be effective to those who have to work at it, you must learn it in steps, get into the habit, get and use things that will help you stay organized. Turn your weaknesses into your strengths. Find a system that fits your personality.

People in general have one area where they are all similar. They complain about paperwork. They overlook the importance of how to organize in this area. It is essential in this day and age to keep up with and protect your important papers to discourage identity theft. It is much easier to defend yourself against fraud or billing errors if you have your paperwork in order and in a safe place.

Know what to keep and what to throw away, how long to keep certain papers, and how to store them until time to discard.

Even if you do most everything on your computer or your other helpful electronic devices, you’ll still need to keep hard copies for references. If you have an auto to sell, you’ll need papers and will need to know where they are kept.

You’ll have to keep up with your children’s sot and health records, your dog’s vet records, and maybe even papers for an elderly parent. Suppose you need something in a hurry because of a deadline….do you really want to spend hours searching for something when you could be organized and spend only minutes? If your batteries die on your personal organizer or your computer printer runs out of paper or ink, or if your computer freezes up or gets a virus, you’ll need those hard copies in order.

Even young children can be taught how to be organized. It will help them learn valuable skills and will help you reduce the stress of keeping up with their belongings. They can carry these “how-to” skills with them for life. It will be beneficial in school, relationships, business, and even on vacations. Yes! It really does help to know how to be organized when preparing for a trip and for getting through the duration of the trip. Any area of your life will benefit from organization.About the Author:

Kurien Abraham is the owner of where you'll find easy solutions, ideas, and tools to help you get organized and simplify your life. Visit for more information and sign up for a free Home Organizing Mini Course.

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