Monday, September 17, 2007

Thanksgiving recipes: Brining your turkey for the juiciest, tastiest turkey, you'll ever eat..

Why brine? Brining benefits are numerous. Basically, when meat is soaked in a salt and/or sugar solution, some of the liquid will go through the cell walls into the cells. This is referred to as brining meat, and brining makes turkey meat juicier by increasing the amount of liquid inside the meat walls. The added bonus is with the addition of salt, and sometimes sugar, and peppercorns to the water, the turkey also is seasoned perfectly without the need for additional seasoning before or after roasting. Brining keeps the turkey breast meat moist, even if it overcooks by 10 degrees or so. As the meat absorbs some of the water during the process, and as water is a heat conductor, this also expedites cooking time. In fact, I’ve found that a brined bird cooks faster tha View the rest of this article

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