Saturday, June 30, 2007

What Are Joe Vitale's Top 3 Secrets To Instantly Writing Hypnotic Headlines?

Without a doubt, Joe Vitale is recognized as the "World's
First-Ever Hypnotic Copywriter."

In a recent interview for the List Crusade program, Dr. Joe
Vitale revealed secrets for creating hypnotic headlines that
will compel your readers to read your article or sales

(Note: To hear Joe Vitale's complete audio interview, see
end of article)

Joe revealed that he often starts to write with a working
title in place.  After the article is written, he goes back
and selects the best headline that'll stop readers dead in
their tracks.

Over the years, he's discovered 30 tried-and-proven formulas
(many have been in use for over 150 years) for writing
hypnotic headlines.

In the List Crusade interview, Joe revealed 3 of his
favorite headline formulas that you can use today to start
writing hypnotic headlines that will grab your readers.

Would you like to know them?

Listen closely:

1) Ask a question--Joe claims that this formula is a billion
dollar tip and his secret weapon.  Here's an example that
Joe recently used: What Is the Secret To Getting Rich Today?

According to Joe, questions engage the mind and open your
reader up to the message you're trying to communicate.
Warning: the question must be open-ended and not something
that can be answered with a YES or NO.  It must be one that
can only be answered by reading the article.

By the way, did you notice that I used this method in the
headline of this article?  It works, doesn't it?

2) Use the word WANTED to start the headline--This word
grabs attention and calls out to your target audience. Just
think about WANTED posters in the Old West or want ads in
your newspaper.

For an example of how to use this technique, I could have
titled this article as:

Wanted:  Internet Marketers Dying To Know Joe Vitale's Top 3
Secrets To Writing Hypnotic Headlines

3) Start the headline with beginning word "Who Else"--You've
probably seen this in many different ads.  It's a standard
pattern that many top copywriters use.  Why?  Because it
works.   By the way, did you notice that this technique is
actually a variation of Joe's favorite technique of asking

For example: Who Else Wants To Know Joe Vitale's Top 3
Secrets To Instantly Writing Hypnotic Headlines?

As you sit there learning these techniques, you are getting
more and more excited about actually writing headlines for
your articles and sales letters.

If you're at all involved in Internet Marketing, I can't
think of a more knowledgeable person to learn from than Joe

Joe also revealed:

 * Instant hypnotic list-building tricks that'll pull in
   subscribers like mindless zombies

 * What is Karmic Marketing?

 * Mental techniques to make writing killer money-pulling copy
   a breeze

 * How to use an "ethical bribe" to get subscribers to your

Take these secrets from Joe Vitale's interview and use them
today.  The more you use them, the more you'll find that
they'll become automatic and your Internet Marketing will
prosper.Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and co-
founder of List Crusade. We've arranged scholarships for 75
of our readers to get access to Joe Vitale's entire interview,
along with 51 other audio lessons from top Internet Marketing
and Self Help Gurus, such as Jay Abraham, Jack Canfield,
Joe Vitale, Mark Joyner, and Robert Allen--go to:

Article Source:

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